How to order and send your milk & inclusions

1. Order Online

Select your piece. Customize your order by adding pearly powder, gold flakes, personal inclusions (umbilical cord, hair, ashes, dried flowers). Any other special requests can be added to your order.

2. Mail Your Milk & Inclusions

Triple bag your breastmilk into three breastmilk storage bags. Pop it into an envelope. You can also include dried umbilical cord, ashes, hair or special dried flowers (please put these in the same envelope, in separate baggies or containers). You do not need to keep it cold during transport.

Mail to:


1109 Loop Drive

Woodland Park, CO 80863

3. Wait while your unique piece is crafted!

Turnaround time is 2 months from the time that your milk and inclusions are received.


Can my milk be expired?

Yes! Dig through your freezer, bust out that expired milk and send it on over!

How much milk do I need to send?

One ounce is all I need! If you have more in the bag, that’s okay. But one ounce is the most I need to create a few pieces for you. I ask that you please do not send the absolute last of what you have - keep even a tiny bit, just in case something happens during the mailing process.

Will you send me back the extras?

I will keep some of your breast milk for the next year or so just in case you want to order another piece. I do not send any unused inclusions (hair, umbilical cord) back to you unless specifically requested. I will always mail extra ashes back to you.